Johnson wedge wire screen laterals are extensively used in draining operations and are the best filters for industry water treatment. Johnson wedge wire screen laterals are a typical screen type used in the under-draining.
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Wedge Wire Screen |
Wedge Wire Header Lateral Distributor Filters System can be widely used in all kinds of industry factory filtration processes and screening processes. It is the best filter for industry water treatment and liquid filtration.
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Wedge Wire Screen |
Wedge wire lateral assemblies is widely used in the under draining applications with the features of effective filtering and screening performance
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Wedge Wire Screen |
Our filter nozzles are an excellent technical and economical solution in bringing together a fully welded, strong and highly corrosion resistant structure and with a non-plugging surface.
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Wedge Wire Screen |
Wedge wire screen laterals for water processing promote even distribution while also avoiding flow/pressure concentrations. Each header lateral consists of a series of screen laterals connected to a central header to provide uniform flow within a vessel containing treatment media. Header laterals can be used to either distribute inflow or collect flow, depending on their location within a vessel.
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Wedge Wire Screen |
Slot wire header lateral can be designed for disc head vessels enabling the system to collect completely to the bottom of the vessel. Slot wire header lateral design is also available for flat bottom vessel distributor or collector applications All systems are designed for effective liquid or solid retention in a wide range of applications including ion exchangers, clay and sand filtration applications, carbon towers and power plants with water systems.
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Wedge Wire Screen |