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The water distributor and water collecting device are composed of steel pipe (mother pipe) and multiple screen pipes (branch pipes). This device can efficiently collect or distribute liquid / gas while preventing the medium from flowing out.

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Softened water equipment is very important,you can know how to distribute and install water center tube for softened water equipment by this.

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Stainless steel water distributor for filter tanks

The stainless steel water distributor for filter tanks also called header lateral assemblies, are assemblies of horizontal herring bone style wedge wire screen laterals and vertical secured round hub. The screen lateral has inherent even pattern, which is made of stainless steel, hastelloy alloy steel and other alloy steels. The screen lateral has various slot size, wire size and diameters to suit common or customized applications. It is widely used in the under draining applications with the features of effective filtering and screening performance. Wedge wire lateral assemblies are a typical screen type used in the under draining.

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Wedge Wire Screen
Wedge Wire Distributors

Wedge wire water distributors are important components of ion exchange units, media filters, sand filters, carbon strip vessels, carbon towers, clay filters, and in many water and waste water treatment applications.

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Wedge Wire Screen