Header lateral distributor is widely used in the under draining applications with the features of effective filtering and screening performance.
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Wedge Wire Screen |
Wedge wire lateral assemblies, also called Wedge Wire Hub and Header Laterals, are assemblies of horizontal herring bone style wedge wire screen laterals and vertically secured round hubs.
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Each of our Header and Hub-Lateral Systems are carefully designed from your specified design conditions that includes the vessel inside diameter, volumetric flow rate, allowable pressure drop through the screen, resin/media to be retained and minimum open area to list.
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Wedge wire screen header lateral water distributors are extensively used in draining operations with the features of effective filtering and webbing performance.
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Wedge Wire Screen |
Wedge Wire Header Lateral Distributor Filters System can be widely used in all kinds of industry factory filtration processes and screening processes. It is the best filter for industry water treatment and liquid filtration.
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Wedge Wire Screen |
The header lateral has two type: threaded ending wedge wire screen lateral and flange ending wedge wire screen lateral. Threaded ending wedge wire screen laterals are composed of a solid cap on one end and a threaded pipe connection on the other end. The flange ending wedge wire screen lateral is composed of solid cap on one end and a flange. The different design makes it possible to suit different applications and machines.
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Wedge Wire Screen |
Slot wire header lateral,hub lateral,collector,distributor .UBO Provide even distribution or collection and avoid flow/pressure concentrations such as dead zones, wall effects or channeling.
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Wedge Wire Screen |
Our filter nozzles are an excellent technical and economical solution in bringing together a fully welded, strong and highly corrosion resistant structure and with a non-plugging surface.
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Wedge Wire Screen |