Wedge wire lateral assemblies is widely used in the under draining applications with the features of effective filtering and screening performance. Wedge wire lateral assemblies are a typical screen type used in the under draining.
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Wedge Wire Screen |
UBO is specialized in head laterals, hub laterals, and laterals custom designed to meet your specifications. We offer complete engineering assistance in the design and development of new systems as well as improving and replacing existing installations.
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Wedge Wire Screen |
Wedge wire lateral assemblies is widely used in the under draining applications with the features of effective filtering and screening performance. Wedge wire lateral assemblies are a typical screen type used in the under draining.
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Wedge Wire Screen |
Header-Lateral System for the treatment of process water such as in Ion Exchange and in the process of removing organic matter.UBO offers products such as the Header-Laterals Systems to uniformly collect and distribute process flow.
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Wedge Wire Screen |
Header-Lateral System For the treatment of process water such as in ‘Ion Exchange’ and in the process of removing organic matter, Completion Products offers products such as the Header-Laterals Systems to uniformly collect and distribute process flow. Sizing of both the main header pipe and the screen laterals are based on recommended through-pipe and slot opening velocities to ensure higher efficiency and lower pressure drop. Sizing of the slot size is also critical to ensure that there is no resin/media leakage. The screen laterals (screen-based or screen + drilled pipe-base) are removable and can be designed with either a flange or threaded nipple connection.,
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Wedge Wire Screen |
Hub Lateral Collector and Header Lateral Collector are made by wedge wire are superior screens for retaining media in vessels of all types, i.e. ion exchangers, carbon towers, clay filters, sand filters, and numerous other liquid-solid retention applications.
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Wedge Wire Screen |
Wedge wire lateral assemblies, also called header lateral assemblies, are assemblies of horizontal herring bone style wedge wire screen laterals and vertical secured round hub. The screen lateral has inherent even pattern, which is made of stainless steel, hastelloy alloy steel and other alloy steels. The screen lateral has various slot size, wire size and diameters to suit common or customized applications.
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Wedge Wire Screen |